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mUSIC videos

What matters most is your identity! 


What is it that will help your music stand out from the crowd and give you the chance to shine?

That’s really what we’re about!

Watch our portfolio and get a flavour for what you can expect in your music video production.

If you’re looking for video production companies in Manchester give us a call, email or fill out our contact form and let us make your music video with that LUMAVIBE! 

We are dedicated to the craft and culture - We love producing music videos! 

Bring on Rock, Rap and Indie, bring on Hip-Hop, Heavy Metal and Pop, bring on Classical, Dance, and Soul. 

All the way from concept to post-production - We are creative, dynamic & cost effective.



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  - Melis Bilen


Live Session Videos from £600

This is a great way for artists to showcase their live abilities to promoters, record labels and fans in a very cost effective approach

0161 262 2474

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